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Leo Radosta

Current Companies

Mumms Software

As President and CEO of mumms Software, Leo Radosta focuses on business and product development. In his role as Scrum Product Owner, he communicates his vision for the software and optimizes the work the Development Team performs by sharing with the group his considerable knowledge and experience throughout every step of the process.

Leo has served the hospice community for nearly 30 years by channeling technological innovations into software that supports hospices from the time of referral through the bereavement process. Leo began mumms Software with just a few lines of code, and has steered and overseen its transformation into the revolutionary Hummingbird platform. This software offers many hospice-industry firsts such as ClearScripts, and ClearSight. Banking on his background in finance, and his early career as a CPA, Leo created and shaped the Hummingbird’s billing engine, ClearPay. Its ground-breaking integrations offer real-time patient eligibility, status of claims, and so much more to streamline protocols and practices, demonstrating Leo’s ability to recognize and offer creative solutions for the latent needs of the industry before anyone else.

Leo does not operate just as a vendor in the hospice space. In 2013, he received  the M.J. McDonough Award for Distinguished Service to Hospice in recognition for his dedication to the end-of-life mission. He also accepted the Passion for Innovation Award in 2015, which acknowledges individuals who have contributed to the healthcare industry through their dedication to innovation and progress. In 2006, mumms was also recognized for their generous support of the Good Will Institute’s End-of-Life Awareness Symposium. With Leo at the helm, mumms has also been one of 50 recipients of New Orleans’ Best Places to Work award 6 years in a row.

In addition, Leo is an unofficial but effective ambassador for the city of New Orleans, which is where both he as well as mumms Software were born and raised. An avid collector of modern art, Leo is a board member for the New Orleans Contemporary Arts Center. Leo is also the proud father of two. His daughter recently earned a Doctorate of Medicine, with honors, and begins her 2nd year of residency at Tulane University Hospital in June 2020. His son, who inherited his father’s entrepreneurial skills, owns and runs a successful brewery in North Carolina.